How to FLIP homes for a profit
Posted by Matthew Dekort on
Not much is written about HOW - TO successfully flip homes in Calgary. Most agents just point you to some cheap homes, and say, fix them, sell them for more. I think there has to be more to it. More science. More of a guide. More steps. So, I set out to start. This is what I do for my FLIP clients. Your agent might have other concepts, but this is what I consider advanced.
Here are my rules:
- buy in a good location
- ensure the home isn't on a major road and/or backs to major road.
- focus on the older areas. Think of the homes we grew up in or our grandparents owned. Typically large lots. Typically bungalows
- use area VALUE CHARTS to quickly identify which areas are possible to flip
- next, ensure that even if the value chart…
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