Found 211 blog entries tagged as real estate.

     My father gave me lots of good advice over the years. I wish he was still around to give me more.
     The advice he never gave me that I wish he had, though, was to buy real estate. Any real estate. 
I moved out of the family home for good at 27 (kind of embarrassing back then, but not a big deal now) and spent the next nine years renting a small apartment after I moved to another city to work. It was a nice, comfortable place that I remember cost $500 a month. I'm not going to multiple 500 by 108 months but that was a lot of money spent on rent.
     At the time, where I was living I could have gotten a small detached home for well under 100,000. I could have rented out a room and proceeded to go to town on the principle of my mortgage.
     Oh well.

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